terrible rainy season.

Feeling wet and moist all-over,nothing we can do about this season,only wait for better day`s to come.The local farmers seems to be happy and looking very busy planting their small plants in the submerged fields,hoping for a good crop in the autumn.Also the frogs are having a great time,at least I think,making unexplainable loud sounds,maybe having conversations about what I do not know and maybe better not to know at all.At night the fire-flies are flying around in strange patterns sending their light-messages out to any other fire-fly who is attracted by these hoping for nice times to follow.The succesful ones are easy to detect their lights are bright and shiny.Others are not so lucky and are flying in directions which I even can tell are mission impossible places to be noticed.You can tell it by the way they are flying and by their slowly diminishing lights.Finally stopping all together,pitch black.Do these creatures also commit suicide I wonder?So back to my self again terrible what to do?Outside it is raining cats and dogs and inside I feel like some tiny mushrooms are growing out of my nose,I even pretend that I can smell these.Only sitting and waiting for better times to come,which will be soon I know.I can hardly wait to go outside again and pick up my tools and start working on my stones.They are silently waiting for me to show up again,waiting for the touch of my tools ,waiting to be released of the build up stress and energy inside them,waiting to be cut into and maybe better to be split into parts.And finally the best part of this all to be carressed by the slow moving soft pads of my polishing machine,using lots of water gently smoothing the surfaces until the inner real color of the material slowly comes shining through.Aheha good day`s will come again,better sooner than later.Please if possible no more rainy day`s no more endless waiting getting bored and sometimes even getting anoyed by the sounds of it .Terrible day`s for how long I wonder?On the news only but very nice weather in okinawa,not so far away,so there is a shimmer of hope for me that this ordeal will be over soon,finally.Just stick it out,just a little bit longer,why is nobody sending me any mail,and the bread taste bad again,oh my god sometimes I want to cry out unexplainable sounds like these frogs and feel like those not so fortunate fire-flies,silently hoping that they not know how to commit suicide.Rainy season in japan,terrible but maybe it is for the better that we can do nothing about this.
